Analysis of Ornamental Plants Production in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria

mokaro, C. O.*; Alufohai, G.O. & Ogbeni, G. L.

The business of ornamental plants production plays a very important role in income generation, both to the farmers and other ancillary workers along the value chain

of the enterprise. The employment generating potentials of the industry for both urban and rural dwellers has not been fully exploited in Nigeria, as in other continents.

This paper therefore, focused on the economic analysis of ornamental plants production in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria. The data used in the study were obtained

from a cross-sectional survey of 120 ornamental plants producers in both States, selected through a multi-stage sampling technique. The Gross Margin technique and

Stochastic Profit Function were used to analyse the data. Results from the study indicated that, Hedges, Trees, Palms, Grasses and Houseplants, were the

predominant types of ornamental plants produced in the study area. The results further showed that, landscaping, sales of potted plants, gardening services and export

trade, were the types of services rendered by ornamental gardens. Gross Margin analysis indicated that ornamental plants production was not as profitable as

expected, a priori, in both States. The estimated mean gross revenue was N 383, 756.80 / ha while the average gross margin was estimated as N 127, 833.40 / ha,

for both States as an aggregate. The return to operators' labour and management was estimated at an average of N79, 370.20 / ha. It was evident from the

profitability analysis that costs of labour, fertilizers, planting materials, and irrigation were significant factors determining profit realizable from ornamental plants

production It therefore means that enough room exists for improving on the current profit level of ornamental plants production, and by implication, income and

employment generation in the study area.

Key words: Gross Margin, ornamental plants, Stochastic Profit Function