Classification and Evaluation of Soils for Maize Cultivation in Western Part Akoko Southwest Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria

Adesemuyi 1 , E.A., B.S. Ewulo & Ojeniyi, S.O
Soil varies both laterally and vertically over landscape and therefore requires proper inventory of its attributes for classification and optimal utilization. In order to examine the attributes of soils in selected locations in western parts of Akoko Southwest Local Government Area of Ondo state and evaluate its potential for maize cultivation, six pedons were established at Ose-Oba (Pedon 1), Ago-Ajayi (Pedon 2), Oyinmo (Pedon 3), Agbanimu (Pedon 4), Araromi (Pedon 5) and Ago-Fulani (Pedon 6). Morphological descriptions of the pedons were carried out and horizons sampled for chemical analysis. Pedons were characterize and classified according to USDA soil Taxonomy and FAO/UNESCO system of soil classification. The suitability of the study area for maize cultivation was evaluated with non-parametric and parametric square-root methods. The results of morphological and physical analyses revealed deep (100 - 160 cm) and well drained soils with increase in clay content with depth (argillic). Surface soil textures were sandy loam underlain by sandy clay loam. Topsoil reaction varied from slightly acidic to neutral (pH: 6.43 - 7.09). Percentage organic carbon and total nitrogen were low. The soil were acidic with low base saturation (<50% by NH4OAc), a requirement for classifying the soil in the order Ultisols following USDA system of soil taxonomy. The appropriate correlation in FAO/UNESCO system of classification is Acrisol. All pedons were kandic in nature with ustic moisture regime. Parametric evaluation showed that sites with Pedons 1, 5, and 6 are not currently suitable for maize cultivation, Pedon 4 site is marginally suitable while sites with Pedons 2 and 3 are moderately suitable for agriculture. However, potentially, Pedons 5 and 6 are marginally suitable for agriculture. The soil requires varying level of fertility management practices targeted at alleviating its identified constraint to maize productivity. Key words: soil classification, taxonomy, fertility, agriculture, pedon