Survey of Small Scale Wood-Based Enterprise in Katsina-Ala Local Government Area Benue State, Nigeria

Ekhuemelo, D. O. , Torvenda, A. R. & Tembe E.T.
This study investigated various small scale wood-based enterprise established in Katsina-Ala Local Government Area (L.G.A) of Benue State. Data were collected with structured questionnaire and interview. Total of 160 questionnaire were purposively administered in eight out of the twelve (12) council wards in Katsina-Ala L.G.A. Simple Random Sampling (SRS) techniques was used to select five (5) wood-based enterprise in each council ward and four copies of questionnaire were administered to operators of the sampled wood-based enterprise respectively. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools. Results revealed that there were total of four hundred and twenty five (425) wood-based enterprise in study area. Out of which 84 Furniture, 72 casket, 2 canoe, 27 timber sheds, 43 wooden drum, 35 mortar/pestle, 65 farm tools, 20 charcoal and 77 fuel wood enterprise respectively. Results for methods of conservation adopted by respondents in the study area were; plantation 11.6 %, no response 13.8%, agro- forestry 15.9%, home garden 9.4%, natural forest 7.1% and no efforts at all 38.4%. Gmelina arborea and Tectona grandis were highly utilized for furniture, casket and timber sheds. Prosopis africana, Vitellaria paradoxa, and Khaya senegalensis were highly used in wood carving enterprise. Tree species preferred for fuel wood and charcoal production include Prosopis africana, Burkea africana, and Vitellaria paradoxa. Policy making and implementation is recommended as a tool to enforcing conservation of tree species after utilization to ensure sustainability. Keyword: Small-scale, Wood-based enterprise, forest, survey, conservation.