Applied Tropical Agriculture (ATA) (ISSN: 1118-6712) specializes in the publication of original field based and production-oriented research and review papers in all aspects of Agriculture. Manuscripts submitted to ATA will be peer-reviewed. Manuscript should be concise and written in simple, but comprehensive English. The Journal is published bi-annually in June and December. Manuscript Submission Original research and review manuscripts are invited. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work has not been published before; but it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else and that its publication has been approved by all co-authors (where applicable). The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for copyright violation and/or plagiarism. Manuscript Preparation: All portions of the manuscript should be typewritten with double spacing and wide margins (2.54 cm on all sides). Use a normal, plain font (12-point Time Roman) for typing text. Page numbers should be generated automatically using page numbering function. Apart from scientific names of plants, italics should only be used for emphasis (where necessary). Use the equation editor or Math Type for equations while the table function and not spreadsheets, should be used to draw Tables. 

Title Page: Manuscript title should be concise and informative, with appropriate words for index and information retrieval. The title page should not be paginated. The title should not be more that 18 words. The title page should contain the name(s) of authors, their affiliations and email address(es). The address for correspondence should be clearly indicated. 

Abstract: The abstract should be included on title page. It should be informative, completely self-explanatory and should briefly present the objectives, methodology, major results, discussion and conclusion(s) of the research work. The abstract should not be more than 200 words. No literature should be cited within the abstract. 

Key words: Following the abstract, about 5 to 8 key words that will provide indexing references, should be listed. Please avoid repeating words already in the title

Main Body: The main body of the manuscript should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods (Methodology), Results, Discussion, Conclusion and recommendation. Acknowledgements (if any) and References. 

Tables and Figures: These should be numbered consecutively in Arabic characters throughout the manuscript and must be cited at appropriate sections within the text. Each Table and Figure should occupy a separate page. Same data should not be presented in Table and Figure. 

Reference List: The list of references should only include works that were cited within the manuscript and that have been published. Avoid the use of personal communication and unpublished theses/dissertations.  

Citation within the manuscript should follow this style: 

  • single authored paper: Oyun (2021); 

  • two-authored paper: Oyun and Oke (2000) and

  • multiple authored paper: Ojeniyi et. al. (2010). 

Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each publication, follow with a comma, then the initials (a full stop is needed after each initial). 

Reference list entries should be as follows: 

Journal publication: Ojeniyi, S. O. (1993). Nutrient availability and maize yield under reduced tillage practices. Soil and Tillage Research 26: 89-92. 

Adebayo, A. O., Balogun, B. A., Onyeka, J. C., and Abayomi, K. M. (2006). Estimating the value of tropical rainforest ecosystems of south-western Nigeria using a contingent method. Ecological Economics, 58-665-675. 

Text Books: Dent, D. (1991), Insect Pest Management. C.A.B. International, Wallingford, New York, 604pp. 

Edited books or conference proceedings: Adelani, D. O. and Amons, S. O. (2021). Effects of nutrient sources and light intensities on the seedling vigour of African Star fruit (Chrysophyllum albidum G. Don). In: Forest Production and products in a diversifying economy for sustainable livelihood (Adekunle, V. A. J., Akpan, M. and Olajide, O. – Editors). Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference of Forest and forest Products Society, Uyo, Nigeria, 26 – 30 April, 2021. Pg 25-29.


The softcopy of the manuscript should be submitted by email to:

All correspondence should be addressed to:

The Editor-in-chief, Applied Tropical Agriculture (ATA), 

Dean’s Office, 

School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, 

Federal University of Technology,

 P.M.B. 704, Akure, Nigeria.


Publication charge: Publication charge and manuscript processing fee of ₦20,000.00 (100 USD) will be charged per manuscript sent to ATA. 

Subscription Rates:

Institutional Subscription: Nigeria: ₦5,000 per issue including postage 

Other countries: USD (USA) 50 per issue (Air mail delivery)

Individual subscription: Nigeria: ₦4,500.00 per issue including postage 

Other countries: USD (USS) 30 per issue (Air mail delivery) 


Subscription rates are subject to change annual subscribers will be notifies accordingly